Into the Magic Shop: A neurosurgeon’s true story of the life-changing magic of compassion and mindfulness – Recensione Libro

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Scheda libro Into the Magic Shop: A neurosurgeon's true story of the life-changing magic of compassion and mindfulness di Doty, James

Into the Magic Shop: A neurosurgeon's true story of the life-changing magic of compassion and mindfulness
Titolo Into the Magic Shop: A neurosurgeon's true story of the life-changing magic of compassion and mindfulness
Casa Editrice Hodder And Stoughton Ltd.
Numero pagine 288
Data di uscita
Codice 1444786180

Trama del libro:

The award-winning New York Times bestseller that inspired BTS's K-pop song 'Magic Shop'.The day that 12-year-old James Doty walked in to his local magic shop is the day that changed his life. Once the neglected son of an alcoholic father and a mother with chronic depression, he has gone on to become a leading neurosurgeon, based at Stanford University. He credits Ruth for ...

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Punteggio finale4.7

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Quante pagine ha il libro Into the Magic Shop: A neurosurgeon's true story of the life-changing magic of compassion and mindfulness?

Il libro Into the Magic Shop: A neurosurgeon's true story of the life-changing magic of compassion and mindfulness scritto da Doty, James è composto da 288 pagine ed è stato pubblicato dall'editore Hodder And Stoughton Ltd..

In che anno è stato pubblicato Into the Magic Shop: A neurosurgeon's true story of the life-changing magic of compassion and mindfulness?

Into the Magic Shop: A neurosurgeon's true story of the life-changing magic of compassion and mindfulness è stato scritto da Doty, James ed è stato pubblicato nel 2016 con codice 1444786180.

Dove posso comprare Into the Magic Shop: A neurosurgeon's true story of the life-changing magic of compassion and mindfulness di Doty, James?

Puoi acquistare Into the Magic Shop: A neurosurgeon's true story of the life-changing magic of compassion and mindfulness di Doty, James online a questa pagina, dove troverai altre informazioni come il prezzo e i formati disponibili.

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  • into the magic shop: a neurosurgeon's true story of the life-changing magic of compassion and mindfulness frasi
  • into the magic shop: a neurosurgeon's true story of the life-changing magic of compassion and mindfulness riassunto

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Invece di aggiungere al carrello questo libro della categoria Biografie e autobiografie, devi assolutamente controllare le opinioni di altri lettori per scoprire cosa ne pensano e se sia veramente consigliato, valutando la lettura scorrevole e lo stile di scrittura di Doty, James.

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Into the Magic Shop: A neurosurgeon’s true story of the life-changing magic of compassion and mindfulness – Recensione Libro
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